Author: Lucas Galy

Most of us know how amazing 3D technology is and how many benefits it can bring to your business if used well. Its popularity has increased over time, more and more we can see new industries using this technology. In this article I will talk about what precautions you need to take when doing a 3D project, if you are interested, we have an article where we talk specifically about 3D models and what precautions you need to take to create one, if you want to know more, click here! When we think of 3D technology, we have in mind that it…

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3D technology has today a very important role in architecture and also in several other areas, its influence in different types of industries has grown in recent decades, much of this is due to the evolution of technology and the way it can be used. We all have contact with 3D in our daily lives, even if we often don't realize it, several industries such as construction, advertising, entertainment and cinema use this technology to develop their projects and create new things. and why this happens? Because with this technology we can create and model almost anything…

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Real estate launches are ventures that most of the time involve a lot of money, both from the investors involved and from the end consumers, so in this business model it is necessary to take certain care in negotiations and presentations, so that everything is clear from the beginning. When we talk about these launches, we are also dealing with the client's dream, the dream of having a home of their own and a nice place to live, so it's very important to show them clearly that they can have what they want if they enter this venture. One of the biggest difficulties of professionals involved in a launch…

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One of the biggest challenges that an architect can face when presenting an architectural project to a client is to be able to convey the whole idea of what is being presented clearly, so in these moments, 3D technology comes into action to help this professional. It will not only help in this part but in others too, to be able to explain clearly how good 3D can be, I will talk more about its importance nowadays. Nowadays, we are used to seeing the use of 3D technology in action at different times, this is because…

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One of the most complicated parts that occurs in the realization of an architectural project is, without a doubt, the presentation, at this moment, the entire project is evaluated by clients or investors and it is important that it is very clear in its proposal. At that time, 3D architecture can help a lot. We've all seen some art that uses 3D technology in everyday life, this technology has become extremely famous in recent years, which has contributed to us seeing them in our daily lives. We mentioned the role of 3D in architecture, but there are several other markets that use it…

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3D technology is probably one of the most important technologies involved in the architectural market today, it is involved in several stages in the development of a project and its importance can be measured according to the advantages it can bring. 3D architecture is one of the main tools that can allow us to preview a concept or an idea that does not yet exist in a real and tangible way, in a way that we can understand all the aspects involved within that project without too many problems. In order to better understand the importance of this technology, it is interesting to look at the different functions it can…

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Thanks to technology, many different types of markets have been positively impacted in recent years, architecture is one of those markets, 3D technology has arrived to change the way an architectural project can be created and presented. In this text I will talk about the advantages of 3D architecture and also what is its impact. If we stop to analyze it, we have contact with 3D technology several times in our daily lives, this is because it is used in different types of markets such as cinema, games, advertising and civil construction. So that kind of technology becomes something…

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In order to understand the advantages of hiring a rendering service, it is important to know the importance of this process in an architectural project, so that we can better understand these advantages and analyze what points it can add to us. Rendering is not only important in the field of architecture, but it is also involved in many different markets like cinema, games and advertising. Its importance comes from all the benefits it can bring to those who use it. The rendering market is huge and involves many different tools, software and sectors, if you want to know…

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Rendering is probably the most important part in the execution and presentation of an architectural project, because it is directly linked to customer satisfaction, which is crucial for the project to succeed, for this reason, it is interesting to pay close attention to this process. . When we talk about an architectural project, we can talk as much about creating and modeling a sofa, as we can talk about creating a residential or commercial building, there are many areas and rendering is involved in all of them, but after all, what is the rendering? The rendering appears at the end…

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One of the most important moments in the realization of an architectural project is without a doubt the presentation, it is at that moment where all the ideas and concepts will be shown to the client and all the work of the responsible architect will be analyzed. There are certain rules to be able to make a good presentation and make the client buy the idea, if the responsible professional follows them correctly, he can have a really good result. One of these rules is that the project images need to be very well rendered, this is because the rendering brings realism to the project, giving another face to the…

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